Friday, October 17, 2014

The Misfits and why Jerry Only's an asshole

Before the misfits became the worst misfits cover band to ever exist they were one of the greatest punk rock bands to ever exist. Originally formed by Glen Danzig the Misfits reinvented the punk genre in the 70's through their use of dark lyrics a fast paced tempo and and the traditional " I dont give a fuck attitude" as most well seen in the song last caress Their style would later became the standard for later punk rock bands such as Elvis Hitler and Charles Bronson. The style of the band began to change in the 80's as you can hear on the album Earth A.D./Wolfs Blood shortly after The album Glen left the band to persue a new music project that would later become Danzig the band. Glen left the band to Jerry (an act that he should regret for the rest of his life) Jerry's first plan of action was to resell all of the Misfits early music effectively cutting Danzig out of the monetary loop his next action was to then use the songs Glen had previously written and tour while failing miserably to portray Glens voice. Only  then did the one smart move he had made in music by finding Michale Graves a 19 year old kid that would bring the band into a completely new era of music. Michale wrote music that i believe became the basis for 90' goth rock and the dark modern music such as Ryan Adams Gimmie Something Good that seems to be heavily influenced by Michale Grave's style. However Jerry not wanting to lose a single shred of the limelight kicked Michale out of the band after only 2 albums even though they are recorded as 2 of the best albums the misfits had ever created.Only then began to tour singing covers of both michale and Glens's music as his own before creating two of the worst albums I have heard in my life Only has single-handedly destroyed the Misfits image and musical credibility. Even Jerry's own brother Doyle Wolfgang von Frankenstein would rather play misfits sets with Glen Danzig then play a song with his brother. Jerry Only now performs as the misfits with two of his friends that have no right to call themselves members of the Fiend Club performing Jerry's terrible covers of both Glen and Michale's songs as well as his own ear deafeningly horrendous original music.While selling merchandise he did not create he has somehow managed to convince people to see what is now an old man play terrible music

Monday, October 13, 2014

Welcome to Trouble With Music

Hello i"m Jesse and as an avid music listener, historian and musician I have many topics that i feel meed to be discussed between myself and others who still listen to music as well as what is called music by modern society.